Zenless Zone Zero Ellen Trust answers
How to raise Ellen's Trust level.
You need to pick the correct answers during Trust events and hangouts with Ellen in Zenless Zone Zero if you want to raise her Trust level quickly.
There are even some Trust events that can lower your Trust level with Ellen if you pick the wrong answer, which you should of course avoid if you want to unlock all of Ellen's Trust level rewards in Zenless Zone Zero, and additional cutscenes and activities with her.
To help you out, we've detailed the correct Ellen Trust answers in Zenless Zone Zero below, ordered by their different Trust quest types. Please note that we haven't included Trust Upgrades, as you can't gain or lose any Trust with her during these Commissions.
On this page:
- Are these really just ordinary snacks? answers
- You There? Can I Borrow Your Wifi? answers
- Do Shark Thirens Need Two Tickets? answers
- Time! To! Choose! answers
- Are There Multicolored Hollows in the Dreams of Proxies Trust event
- Ellen Lumina Square Trust event 1 answers
- Ellen Lumina Square Trust event 2 answers
- Ellen Lumina Square Trust event 3 answers
- Ellen Howl's Newsstand Trust event answers
- Ellen Trust level rewards
Trust hangouts:
Trust events:
Are these really just ordinary snacks? answers
You get this Trust hangout by asking to meet Ellen at the 141 Convenience Store while texting her.
Here's the correct Ellen Trust answers for 'Are these really just ordinary snacks?' in Zenless Zone Zero:
- "I dare not try it."
- "Is soda rice edible?"
- "You sound like you've tried it."
- "Get something delicious!"
- Recommend a delicious snack (Regular Trust increase).
You also get a Significant Trust increase at the end of the hangout after picking the answers above.

You There? Can I Borrow Your Wifi? answers
This Trust hangout is unlocked when you ask Ellen to meet you at Random Play while texting her.
Here's the correct Ellen Trust answers for 'You There? Can I Borrow Your Wifi?' in Zenless Zone Zero:
- "Why do I feel like the guest here?"
- "I thought you knew." (Regular Trust increase)
- "Yup!"
You also get a Significant Trust increase at the end of the hangout after picking the answers above.

Do Shark Thirens Need Two Tickets? answers
To get this Trust hangout you have to ask Ellen to go to 404 Live with you, by texting her when the option is available.
Here's the correct Ellen Trust answers for 'Do Shark Thirens Need Two Tickets?' in Zenless Zone Zero:
- "You wanna keep it low-key?" (Regular Trust increase)
- "You could have put your tail by me."
You also get a Significant Trust increase at the end of the hangout after picking the answers above.

Time! To! Choose! answers
You have to ask Ellen to meet you at Waterfall Soup to unlock this Trust hangout with her on Sixth Street.
Here's the correct Ellen Trust answer for 'Time! To! Choose!' in Zenless Zone Zero:
- "Ice noodle broth." (Significant Trust increase)
You also get a regular Trust increase at the end of the hangout after picking this answer.

Are There Multicolored Hollows in the Dreams of Proxies Trust event
This Trust event is an actual Commision, and unlocks when Ellen texts you about wanting to see a movie. Once you get the 'Enter the Ether' movie by upgrading your Random Play level enough, you can then watch it with Ellen at the video store when enough time has passed.
It doesn't matter what you pick during this Trust event, as it's just here to act as your way of unlocking Ellen as a promoter at Random Play. You can also rewatch the event and pick different options from Ellen's Partner Archive at the Workbench in Random Play.

Ellen Lumina Square Trust event 1 answers
This Trust event starts after talking to Ellen when she's standing near the alleyway across from Coff Cafe in Lumina Square.
Here's the correct Ellen Trust answers for the first Lumina Square event in Zenless Zone Zero:
- "I didn't think you'd be so good at chatting with strangers."
- "Wow."
- "I was just doing what you said." (Regular Trust increase)

Ellen Lumina Square Trust event 2 answers
This second Lumina Square Trust event is triggered by talking to Ellen when she's standing beside the silver artwork statue in the middle of the area.
Here's the correct Ellen Trust answer for the second Lumina Square event in Zenless Zone Zero:
- "Recently." (Significant Trust increase)
Ellen Lumina Square Trust event 3 answers
The third Ellen Trust event in Lumina Square triggers when you see her standing outside of the Quality Tea shop, but we could only get a regular Trust increase by selecting the "Why not?" option when it appeared.

Ellen Howl's Newsstand Trust event answers
This Trust event automatically activates when you get close enough to Ellen and her friends when they're standing in front of Howl's Newsstand on Sixth Street.
Here's the correct Ellen Trust answer for the Howl's Newsstand event in Zenless Zone Zero:
- "Starving Dreams (Gastronomy)." (Regular Trust increase)
- "What's the magic word?"
- "You actually said it!"

Ellen Trust level rewards
Here's all of the rewards you get for raising Ellen's Trust level in Zenless Zone Zero:
- Friendly (Level 2) - x20 Polychrome, x3 Advanced Freeze Chip, 5000 Dennies.
- Close (Level 3) - x30 Polychrome, Hostile Wake-Over Affinity, 10,000 Dennies.
- Trusted (Level 4) - x30 Polychrome, Ellen's Dynamic Wallpaper, 15,000 Dennies.
Ellen's Affinity unlocks a special event that can occur in specific areas of Hollow Zero if she's in your squad, which activates specific Mindscapes for Ellen in the current round.
You can select Ellen as your pause menu background by picking his Dynamic Wallpaper in the menu just above 'More' while on the pause screen.

We'll update this page when we come across more Ellen Trust moments.