How to get and use the Prayer Room Key in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Find out where to use this strange key from Fire Knight Queelign.
The Prayer Room Key is a special item in Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, and it's used to unlock a special room within the Church District of the Shadow Keep in Scadu Altus. Getting to the Church District, however, requires quite a bit of legwork, as does getting to the Prayer Room itself.
But help is at hand, as we're here to tell you the exact location of the Prayer Room Key, how to get it, and where you need to use it in our step-by-step walkthrough.
On this page:
Where to find Prayer Room Key location
To acquire the Prayer Room Key, you'll need to beat Fire Knight Queelign in battle for a second time, which (if you fought him in Belurat, Tower Settlement) should take place in the Church of the Crusade in Scadu Altus. This church can be found north-west of the Site of Grace 'Highroad Cross', just before you get to the soldier encampment before the Shadow Keep. You can see its exact location on the map below:

Fire Knight Queelign will appear as an invader when you enter the church, but he will drop the key as a reward on defeat.
Where to use Prayer Room Key
The location of the Prayer Room itself is found within the Shadow Keep Church District, which you can only access from the east side of the Shadow Keep, up by the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. You cannot access this part of the Shadow Keep by coming in the front entrance, which is (unhelpfully) the closest way in to where you've just fought Fire Knight Queelign.
For help getting to the Shadow Keep's Church District entrance, follow our guide on how to get to the east side of the Shadow Keep. Once you're there, here's the Prayer Room's exact location on the map below:

It's worth pointing out that finding the Church District entrance is vital to completing the Shadow Keep as a whole, as it's the only way you can get to the Shadow Keep's boss Messmer the Impaler, so you'll end up passing by the Prayer Room anyway as you make your way to the boss.
However, there are added complications to the Church District area of the Shadow Keep, as it's completely flooded when you arrive, making for some precarious platforming challenges as you navigate between its ramshackle rooftops and narrow passageways. We fell to our deaths quite a few times traversing this section, so if you don't want to lose your hard-earned Runes, we'd definitely recommend levelling up before attempting this section, as it's easy to lose them in accidental deaths.
Starting from the Site of Grace 'Church District Entrance', jump down to the rooftop directly in front of you.

You can deal with the crabs nibbling at corpses on the rooftop if you wish, but you'll want to head over to the other side of the quad, using one of the raised dormer ridges to jump onto the next crumbled wall to the west.

Make your way round to where there are two more crabs, but beware: fire enemies will emerge out of the ground and will rush toward you in an explosion. It's very easy to get knocked back into the water here, so keep your distance when they appear and try and take them out with a long-range weapon.

Once you're in the clear, climb up the sloped wall and jump over to the small platform right by the outer wall of the keep. Again, more exploding fire enemies emerge here, but if you're quick, you can simply run past them and jump onto the next rooftop to the west.

A Fire Knight will appear on this rooftop who's capable of flinging powerful fire spells at you, and delivering hard hits with their large, fire-infused sword. If you're having trouble defeating them, dodge-roll into their sword swings, and keep getting in hits where you can.
Once they're dealt with, this is the part where you'll have to do some stomach-flipping platforming. Try not to be too unnerved by the ominous rumbling that begins as soon as you get your bearings. That's fun that's yet to come. In the meantime, ready yourself to jump to the large black arch to your left. It might not feel like you can make this jump, but trust us - you just need a good run-up:

Run up the arch and jump up to the roof above. You'll notice there's a large hole at the top. Drop down onto the grey, arching beams you can see below. You'll need to line yourself up just right, as it can be easy to miss and fall into the water to your death.

Make your way down to the south side of the arch and jump onto the upper floor in front of you. Then drop down again through the giant hole in the floor.
Before going any further down the long corridor, turn around and follow the path to a small door in the corner of the flooded room.

This is the Prayer Room, and inside you'll find Fire Knight Queelign muttering in distress on the floor inside. Talk to him until you've exhausted his dialogue.
Congratulations! You've made it to the Prayer Room unscathed. For now, there's not much more you can do for Fire Knight Queelign - you'll only be able to progress his questline once you've acquired one of two specific items: the Iris of Occultation or the Iris of Grace.
On giving him one of these items, you'll receive a special and unique item. The Iris of Occultation will let you receive Queelign's Great Sword as a reward, while the Iris of Grace will give you Fire Knight Queelign as a Spirit Ash, so make sure you return here once you have one of the special Iris items to complete Fire Knight Queelign's questline.
Need more help? Improve your stats by finding all of Shadow of the Erdtree's Scadutree Fragment locations and Revered Spirit Ash locations. Alternatively, see which Erdtree bosses you've still got left to beat, and track down some great new early weapons to help you on your adventure.