Genshin Impact Emilie materials, kit, and Constellations
Ascension and Talent materials for Emilie.
Emilie is a 5-Star Dendro character who was added to Genshin Impact during version 4.8.
While Emilie is featured as a boosted 5-Star character on her Ambrosial Essence Banner in version 4.8, she will eventually return to Genshin Impact at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to her.
If you want to prepare for if you get her, we've listed Emilie's Ascension materials and Talent materials so you can level her up to her full potential right away. To understand how you might play her, we've also detailed what we know about Emilie's kit and Constellations.
On this page:
Be sure to check out our beginner's guide with tips and tricks, and Genshin Impact codes page to get free Primogems that can be used towards unlocking Emilie and other characters.
Genshin Impact Emilie kit
Emilie is a 5-Star Dendro character who uses a polearm, and seems to be best used as a Dendro sub DPS to enhance Burning reactions.

Here's a summary of Emilie's kit in Genshin Impact:
- Element: Dendro.
- Rarity: 5-Star.
- Weapon: Polearm.
- Normal Attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear.
- Elemental Skill: Fragrance Extraction.
- Elemental Burst: Aromatic Explication.
- Passive one: Headspace Capture - When the Lumidouce Case created by Emilie is on the field, all party members gain 85% Pyro Resistance against Burning Damage.
- Passive two: Lingering Fragrance - Each time it collects two Scents, the Level 2 Lumidouce Case will consume Scents and release Cleardew Cologne that deals AOE Dendro Damage equal to 600% of Emilie's attack to opponents. This damage is not considered Elemental Skill Damage.
- Passive three: Rectification - Emilie deals increased Damage to Burning opponents based on her attack, with every 1,000 attack increasing Damage dealt by 15%. The maximum Damage bonus that can be gained this way is 36%.
Emilie Normal Attack - Shadow-Hunting Spear
Emilie performs up to four consecutive spear strikes if tapping the normal attack button. Holding it down instead makes Emilie consume stamina to perform an upward slash, and as with most plunging attacks, Emilie strikes the ground below dealing AOE (area of effect) damage upon impact, and damaging any enemies caught on her path to the ground.
Emilie Elemental Skill - Fragrance Extraction
Emilie creates a Lumidouce Case that deals AOE Dendro damage. Lumidouce Case effects are:
- Fires off Puffs of Puredew to nearby opponents at intervals, dealing Dendro damage.
- When nearby opponents are affected by Burning, they will give off Scents at intervals, and one Scent can be created this way every two seconds. The Lumidouce Case will collect these nearby scents, and after gathering two of them it will level up, firing one extra Puff of Puredew when firing, while the damage dealt by and damage AOE of the above attack also be increasing.
- Only one Lumidouce Case created by Emilie herself can exist at once, with the Case starting at Level 1, and going to Level 2. If the Case does not collect any Scents for 8 seconds while it is on the field, it will go back to Level 1.
Additionally, as Emilie has Pneuma-aligned Arkhe energy, at intervals after Emilie creates a Lumidouce Case with her Skill, a Spiritbreath Thorn will descend in front of her and pierce her opponent, dealing Pneuma-aligned Dendro damage.

Emilie Elemental Burst - Aromatic Explication
Guiding the fragrances collected within the Case, Emilie converts them into pure Dendro energy, creating a Level 3 Lumidouce Case and stowing existing Cases away. While it exists, the Level 3 Lumidouce Case will not gather nearby Scents, but it will continuously cause Scented Dew to descend, attacking opponents within range and dealing Dendro damage.
During this time, one drop of Scented Dew will descend every 0.3 seconds, and one opponent can become the target every 0.7 seconds. When the duration ends, a Level 1 Lumidouce Case will be recreated, and if a Lumidouce Case was stowed away when using Aromatic Explication, then the Case that was stowed away will be deployed instead, and its duration will be reset.
While Aromatic Explication is active, the 'Fragrance Extraction' Elemental Skill will not create a Lumidouce Case.
Genshin Impact Emilie Talent materials

To get the most out of using Emilie, you will have to level her skills up by using Talent materials, which vary from character-to-character.
For Emilie, you'll need to farm a lot of Gear and Order materials (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade her capabilities.
As Emilie has three Talents, you will have to spend three times the Talent materials listed below to fully upgrade all of her abilities, which we've also detailed below the table.
Here's what Emilie Talent materials you need to improve one of her abilities:
Emilie Talent level | Emilie Talent materials | Mora cost |
Level 2 | x3 Teachings of Order, x6 Meshing Gear | 12,500 |
Level 3 | x2 Guide to Order, x3 Mechanical Spur Gear | 17,500 |
Level 4 | x4 Guide to Order, x4 Mechanical Spur Gear | 25,000 |
Level 5 | x6 Guide to Order, x6 Mechanical Spur Gear | 30,000 |
Level 6 | x9 Guide to Order, x9 Mechanical Spur Gear | 37,500 |
Level 7 | x4 Philosophies of Order, x4 Artificed Dynamic Gear, x1 Silken Feather | 120,000 |
Level 8 | x6 Philosophies of Order, x6 Artificed Dynamic Gear, x1 Silken Feather | 260,000 |
Level 9 | x12 Philosophies of Order, x9 Artificed Dynamic Gear, x2 Silken Feather | 450,000 |
Level 10 | x16 Philosophies of Order, x12 Artificed Dynamic Gear, x2 Silken Feather, x1 Crown of Insight | 700,000 |
Here's what Talent Materials you'll need to fully upgrade one of Emilie's skills:
- x1 Crown of Insight
- x3 Teachings of Order
- x6 Meshing Gear
- x6 Silken Feather
- x21 Guide to Order
- x22 Mechanical Spur Gear
- x31 Artificed Dynamic Gear
- x38 Philosophies of Order
- 1,652,500 Mora
To upgrade all three of Emilie's skills, here's all the Talent Materials you'll need:
- x3 Crown of Insight
- x9 Teachings of Order
- x18 Meshing Gear
- x18 Silken Feather
- x63 Guide to Order
- x66 Mechanical Spur Gear
- x93 Artificed Dynamic Gear
- x114 Philosophies of Order
- 4,957,500 Mora
Version 5.0 with Mualani, Kinich, and Kachina is nearly here! For now, in version 4.8 we have Emilie and Yelan. You can redeem new codes for Primogems to help pull them, and check out our regularly updated tier list. You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events. Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners.
Genshin Impact Emilie Ascension materials

Just like Talents, you need to use Emilie Ascension materials to upgrade her health, attack, defence, and critical hit effectiveness.
You'll need to farm a lot of Lakelight Lily and Gear materials for Emilie (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade her capabilities.
Unlike Talent materials, you only need to spend the below Ascension materials once to fully raise Emilie to her highest character level. There is also Acquaint Fate rewarded for reaching certain Ascension levels. You can spend this Fate on the standard and beginner Banners to Wish for characters and weapons.
Here's what Emilie Ascension materials and Mora you need to upgrade her for each Ascension level:
Emilie Ascension level | Emilie Ascension materials | Mora cost | Ascension reward |
Level 20 | x1 Nagadus Emerald Sliver, x3 Lakelight Lily, x3 X1 | 20,000 | x1 Acquaint Fate |
Level 40 | x3 Nagadus Emerald Fragment, x2 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x10 Lakelight Lily, x15 X1 | 40,000 | None |
Level 50 | x6 Nagadus Emerald Fragment, x4 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x20 Lakelight Lily, x12 Mechanical Spur Gear | 60,000 | x1 Acquaint Fate |
Level 60 | x3 Nagadus Emerald Chunk, x8 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x30 Lakelight Lily, x18 Mechanical Spur Gear | 80,000 | None |
Level 70 | x6 Nagadus Emerald Chunk, x12 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x45 Lakelight Lily, x12 Artificed Dynamic Gear | 100,000 | x1 Acquaint Fate |
Level 80 | x6 Nagadus Emerald Gemstone, x20 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x60 Lakelight Lily, x24 Artificed Dynamic Gear | 120,000 | None |
In total, here's all the Ascension Materials you need for Emilie in Genshin Impact:
- x1 Nagadus Emerald Sliver
- x6 Nagadus Emerald Gemstone
- x9 Nagadus Emerald Fragment
- x9 Nagadus Emerald Chunk
- x18 Meshing Gear
- x30 Mechanical Spur Gear
- x36 Artificed Dynamic Gear
- x46 Fragment of a Golden Melody
- x168 Lakelight Lily
- 420,000 Mora
Genshin Impact Emilie Constellations
By getting duplicates of Emilie from wishing on her Banner, you will receive her Stella Fortuna. This material allows you to unlock Constellation levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing Talent or Passive ability.
Here are all of Emilie's Constellations in Genshin Impact:
- Light Fragrance Leaching (C1): Increases the Damage dealt by Fragrance Extraction and her Passive Talent's Cleardew Cologne 'Lingering Fragrance' by 20%. Additionally, when nearby party members trigger the Burning reaction on opponents, or deal Dendro Damage to Burning opponents, they will generate an additional Scent. This effect can be triggered once every 2.9 seconds.
- Lakelight Top Note (C2): When Fragrance Extraction, Aromatic Explication, or Cleardew Cologne produced by the Passive Talent 'Lingering Fragrance' hits opponents, those opponents' Dendro Resistance is decreased by 30% for 10 seconds.
- Exquisite Essence (C3): Increases the Level of Emilie's Elemental Skill by three, with a maximum upgrade level of 15.
- Lumidouce Heart Note (C4): Aromatic Explication's duration is increased by 2 seconds. The interval between opponents being selected as the target for Scented Dew is decreased by 0.3 seconds.
- Puredew Aroma (C5): Increases the Level of Emilie's Elemental Burst by three, with a maximum upgrade level of 15.
- Marcotte Sillage (C6): When using Fragrance Extraction or Aromatic Explication, Emilie will gain Abiding Fragrance for 5 seconds. While this is active, after Emilie uses Normal or Charged Attacks, she will generate one Scent, and her Normal and Charged Attack Damage will be converted into Dendro Damage that cannot be overridden, and the Damage dealt will be increased by 300% of Emilie's attack. The Abiding Fragrance effect will be removed after four Scents are created this way or after its duration expires. Abiding Fragrance can be triggered once every 12 seconds.
Good luck levelling up Emilie in Genshin Impact!