Elden Ring Old Altus Tunnel walkthrough
Here's how to get through the Old Altus Tunnel.
The Old Altus Tunnel in Elden Ring is a location on the Altus Plateau.
Once you've made your way through this Elden Ring Tunnel, after facing a Leyndell Knight, you'll then be faced with a familar but still tricky boss - the Stonedigger Troll.
Here's our Elden Ring Old Altus Tunnel walkthrough and how to beat the Stonedigger Troll boss here.
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Elden Ring Old Altus Tunnel walkthrough
You will find this tunnel north-east of the Wyndham Ruins. You will need to use two Swordstone Keys open the entrance.
Here is the location on the map:

Behind the entrance, collect 3x Explosive Stone Clump and then take the elevator down. You can exit the elevator during the ride and find a small tunnel with deposits of Cracked Crystal (as everywhere in the tunnels).
Activate the Site of Grace 'Old Altus Tunnel' and follow the mine tunnel to the west. Kill the miner and the dog in the wooden hut and don't forget to bag 1x Smithing Stone (5) to the right of it.

In the room next door, where the sounds of pickaxes are coming from, run to the ladder on the right and follow it upwards. March into the adjoining corridor, kill all the enemies - including a soldier - and loot the surrounding area.
There is 1x Stanching Bolus next to the hut, the Boltdrake Talisman +1 next to the dogs and 1x Smithing Stone (5) behind the red barrels

Walk back to the ladder and drop onto the wooden platform on the right, which you follow south. Kill the miners, collect 1x Smithing Stone (5) at the end and 1x Golden Rune (6) from the corpse and take a look down.
Two Leyndell Knights, a soldier and some dogs await you in a hut on the lower level of the tunnels. If you are not yet too strong, you can do some groundwork from up here with ranged weapons.

As soon as the enemies are defeated, you can search the surroundings. We find the Troll's Hammer in the wooden hut, 1x Smithing Stone (5) next to the seated miner and 1x Somber Smithing Stone (4) in the other hut.
Behind the latter hut, you can follow the tunnel to the west and find 2x Smithing Stone (5) and 1x Somber Smithing Stone (5) next to a miner and a dog.

Return to the main room, which we have just reached via the ladder or by dropping it. There is only one path left here. It leads directly to the fog gate in the direction of the boss. An old acquaintance awaits us.
How to beat the Old Altus Tunnel Stonedigger Troll in Elden Ring
The Stonedigger Troll is a familiar boss from the Limgrave Tunnels. It is the same type of enemy, just a little tougher.
Accordingly, little has changed in its combat behavior - in fact, nothing at all. Be careful that his huge hammer doesn't crush you and stay under his legs as much as possible.

Hold the weapon with both hands so that the blows do not bounce off its body and/or use strong attacks. This is an effective way to deal with the troll.
If you have already completed the Limgrave Tunnels, there are no nasty surprises to be expected here.
Your rewards for defeating them are 9600 Runes and the Great Club.
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